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It is common for individuals to employ a personal or executive coach. We have experienced, first hand, the value of working with a coach. People overcome obstacles. Confidence increases. Focus and clarity is established.


We believe that people have a much easier transition through change when they identify what is holding them back, acknowledge and utilize the resources and skills they have, and become accountable to themselves. 

What is Coaching?


The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Coaches honour the client as the expert in his or her life. The coach's responsibility is to:

  • discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve

  • encourage client self-discovery

  • elicit client-generated solutions and strategies

  • hold the client responsible and accountable


Why Hire a Coach?


Coaching helps you to:

  • dramatically improve your outlook on work and life, while improving your leadership skills and unlocking your potential

  • identify and focus on what is important

  • identify gaps between where are and where you need or want to be

  • identify existing gaps in your knowledge, skills, confidence or resources

  • work towards something urgent, compelling or exciting; for example a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity

  • accelerate results

  • create clarity and make positive choices

  • create work and life balance

  • identify your core strengths and learn how to best leverage them

  • gain confidence

How Do Coaching Sessions Work?


Coaching sessions are a safe environment in which people see themselves more clearly.



Coaching typically begins with a personal interview (either face-to-face or by teleconference call) to assess the individual's or business’ current opportunities and challenges, define the scope of the relationship, identify priorities for action and establish specific desired outcomes.


The Set-up:

Subsequent coaching sessions may be conducted in person or over the telephone, with each session lasting a previously established length of time.



Between scheduled coaching sessions, the individual may be asked to complete specific actions to support the achievement of one's personally prioritized goals.


The coach may provide additional resources in the form of relevant articles, checklists, assessments or models to support the individual's or business’ thinking and actions.

Duration & Time Commitment:

The duration of the coaching relationship varies depending on needs and preferences. For certain types of focused coaching, three to six months of working together may suffice. For other types of coaching, people may find it beneficial to work with a coach for a longer period.


How to Choose a Coach?


Overall, be prepared to design the coaching partnership with the coach. Here are a few tips:


                               1. Interview more than one coach to determine "what feels right". Coaches are accustomed to being interviewed,                                      and an introductory conversation of this type is usually free of charge.


                               2. Look for stylistic similarities and differences between the coach and you and how these might support your                                          growth as an individual.


                               3. Discuss your goals for coaching within the context of the coach's specialty or the coach's preferred way of                                              working with an individual.


                               4. Talk with the coach about what to do if you ever feel things are not going well; make some agreements up front                                    on how to handle questions or problems.


                               5. Remember that coaching is a partnership, so be assertive about talking with the coach about any concerns.

Our Coaches


G.O. Today! can recommend coaches for you to interview. Contact us today with your questions and requirements.


We have a pool of established and certified life and executive coaches to choose from. Depending on your needs and the style of coach you require will depend on whom we recommend. Our coaches work independently from G.O. Today!  and are professionals who genuinely work towards helping individuals to move forward with clarity.


Coaching Fees?


Working with a coach requires both a personal commitment of time and energy as well as a financial commitment.


Fees charged vary by specialty and by the level of experience of the coach. Individuals should consider both the desired benefits as well as the anticipated length of time to be spent in coaching.

Typically coaching sessions are sold in packages versus 1 session at a time. This allows for the coach & client to work towards specific outcomes & delve into the depths of the experience &  celebrate the results.


Since the coaching relationship is predicated on clear communication, any financial concerns or questions should be voiced in initial conversations before the agreement is made.

Just Get Organized  Today! About Coaching

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